WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design
show_menu2 question
I am playing with multilanguage site, and i made menu to switch language. I made tab over .menu-current with flag in it. It works nice when you click on flags, when you click on seccond od third level of menu, I lose tab over current language. (there is no tab over both flags..)
Is there any way to make the language selected (with tab over it) all the time wit sm2 or sm ? This is the flag menu below.
--- Code: ---show_menu2(0, SM2_ROOT, SM2_START, SM2_PRETTY, '<li> [ac]<img src="' .WB_URL .'/media/flags/[menu_title].png" /> </a>','</li>','<ul id="language_menu">','</ul>','');
--- End code ---
-------Update, , here is example:
I have first menu, for eg English and German: **EN** DE , and there is background picture behind english flag.
Defult language is english. Now when I click any menu item (in 2nd or 3rd menu level), background behind EN or DE dissapear.. I used .menu-current class, which is wrong, and of course it works only if you click on EN or DE flags.. So basicly I need to mark the top level menu:
--- Code: ---EN
-page 1
- page 2
-page 3
- page 4
- page 5
- page 6
--- End code ---
If you click page 1,2,3 then I want to highlight EN, and if you click pages 4,5,6 then highlight DE.. Is this possible ???
Solution found here:,14037.msg86747.html#msg86747
Recomended tool for all multilanguage site :)
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