WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

Can I hire someone to make a template for me



I need a page template created and thought I'd start on the forums looking to see if anyone is taking on any side work, or anyone who does templates regularly.

The HTML is very clean and attached.

It actually needs to be JUST this page as the homepage, it won't be used as a page template for any other pages.

If you have time, what is your schedule like and what would you estimate the cost?

If I can provide anything else, please let me know :)

[gelöscht durch Administrator]


normaly I'm not the guy who say's no to earn any money, but in your case - with such an simple (in the meaning of clean and good structured) template, I would say that you can do this by yourself, following this link:

Regards Bernd

Hi Bernd,

Thanks for the rapid (and honest) reply :)  I sadly just don't have the bandwidth, do you have the time/interest, or know anyone who does in the next day or 2?

This client is kind of in a hurry - what client isn't tho right - LOL.

Again, thanks and let me know, I'm flexible, and can pay on delivery via credit card or PayPal.

--- Quote from: BerndJM on June 30, 2009, 04:51:29 AM ---Hi,

normaly I'm not the guy who say's no to earn any many, but in your case - with such an simple (in the meaning of clen and good structured) template, I would say that you can do this by yourself, following this link:

Regards Bernd

--- End quote ---


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