WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design
Sub menu to show
This has been a good cms to build a site, problems usually go away after reading the forum.
However this is more tricky:
I have pages that has language selection workin nice on top level, after that there is lower lever of pages
and SOME of them has 3rd level.
When I click the page that has childs I see the sub menu on right.
After clicking it i'd like to see it's siblings, but the menu is not visible.
How to make sub menu to show if lelvel is 3rd and page has siblings ?
the way menu-levels, siblings and so on are shown depends on the used template and the menu-call in this template, please provide this additional nformation
Regards Bernd
Code of second / sub menu is
--- Code: --- <?php show_menu2(0, SM2_CURR+1, SM2_CURR+1,'','[li][a][menu_title]</a>','</li>','',''); ?>
--- End code ---
Now it does not show siblings on 3rd level
When in second level it should show children
when in 3rd level it should show possible ciblings
but how?
--- Code: --- <?php show_menu2(0, SM2_ROOT+2, SM2_CURR+1,'','[li][a][menu_title]</a>','</li>','',''); ?>
--- End code ---
(When used wordpress and encountered some problems they were never solved. I'm glad this is easier! :)
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