WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design
showmenu2 show hidden pages
sky writer:
Wish I had found this fix sooner. I thought I was losing it. All of a sudden all my hidden pages were showing in my menu structures. Very annoying, and troublesome in some cases.
I spent the day changing all the hidden page "menu" settings to a non-visible menu block. This worked, but it's an extra few steps on all my sites.
Thanks for finding the issue and reporting it!
--- Quote from: whitsey on July 01, 2009, 01:44:47 AM ---Hi All,
I have found the answer...
In the show_menu2 v4.8 module code in the file 'include.php' I commented out the following and it works like a dream now (i.e. Hidden pages NEVER show on the menu)
include.php:line#529: $sql = str_replace('hidden', 'IGNOREME', $sql); // we want the hidden pages
Simply comment this line out and it works as you would expect with hidden pages.
--- End quote ---
Sweet, I was having the same problem and this fixed it. Thanks!
The problem were, that by fixing the show_menu2 a file were exchanged. In meantime it were corrected. Find here the coorect show_men2 Version 4.9
Is this one included in the current revision 1303?
I hope so. I use rev.1287 and that one still has the bug. The fix works fine anyway.
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