WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

showmenu2 show hidden pages

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hi, i use this function in my tamplates:

<?php show_menu2(0, SM2_ROOT+1);?>

i want to show only the second level, it works but if whit a static link i call one hidden page it show the link in the menu also if the pages is set to "hidden".

how can i do to not show the hidden pages?

i use wb 2.7

thank you

I am using show_menu2 module to display my menus.

I have added a page (privacy) that I have configured as "hidden"

This works ok on the menu system (i.e. Does not display privacy link) EXCEPT when I actually click on the page itself.

When I'm on the "privacy" page only, the Privacy link displays on the menu... Why is this so?  If the page is configured as hidden, why does it display?

Is there a flag that I am not using in show_menu2 that will hide hidden pages?

This is a somewhat recent change (see 4.8 from 8 Apr 2009). The change was so that items of a hidden menu item could still be shown as a menu. See,2584.msg82237.html#msg82237 and the next few messages.

However, some other's haven't liked the change (e.g. Stefek), however I didn't get a reply to my message to him here,2584.msg87606.html#msg87606 asking for more details.

If I can understand your use-case then I can probably make it work the way you want it to. Of course, I would prefer that there is a consensus for desired behaviour from more than one person.


Hello Brofield,
yes - my fault - I didn't answer - I just downgraded my SM2 Module and then forgot about this.

The behaviour is the same as Withsey has.
I just want the hidden pages to stay hidden, no matter if they are menu-current or not.


Hi All,

I have found the answer...

In the show_menu2 v4.8 module code in the file 'include.php' I commented out the following and it works like a dream now (i.e. Hidden pages NEVER show on the menu)

include.php:line#529: $sql = str_replace('hidden', 'IGNOREME', $sql); // we want the hidden pages

Simply comment this line out and it works as you would expect with hidden pages.


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