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show_menu2 - suggestion for improvement

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--- Quote from: Bastian on July 01, 2009, 12:16:04 AM ---but please tell me the sense of the Language-option in the WB Backend, if you can not use it in relation to SEO?

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Ok, I will try to explain a bit more..

First, setting the language is important to have pages like Login/Forgot/Search/etc.. be displayed in the correct language.

In a multilanguage site you will normally have your pages structured in language "starting points".
By adding some (static) links to switch between languages you can create links that Google finds OK.
i.e.  <a href=/en/home?lang=EN>English</a> <a href=/de/home?lang=DE>Deutch</a>
Adding the lang parameter is crucial here, otherwise WB will do it for you using the redirect.

If you allow your user to switch between languages within one structure (not recommended), WB needs to set the correct language for that session.
So when your user is viewing an English page, and the user goes to a German page without the correct language parameter, WB uses a redirect to the same page including the language parameter to switch the session language..

The solutions:

In a situation like the first post in this thread, where you are on a German site, but some pages are in English (because there is no German content maybe), just leave the page setting to German. It will remain a german site after all.

In a situation where you want to have a real English and German and Swahili site, create the correct structure (and method for switching languages) as explained in the WB help pages, and use the page language setting to make WB display the core pages (Login/search/etc..) in the correct language too.



--- Quote from: FrankH on July 01, 2009, 07:55:47 AM ---RSJ ( really stupid joke)

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It was not intended as a joke, more as a "light weight" way of telling that there is no relation between the language your content is written, and the technical language setting of a page.

It happens all the time that someone tries to create new pages when his user account was set to a different language as the website language. By default a new (root level) page will be created in that language, causing these kind of problems.

So from a technical point of view, it doesn't matter in what language your content is written.



--- Quote ---So from a technical point of view, it doesn't matter in what language your content is written.
--- End quote ---

It depends how sophisticated your web site is made  :-D
For instance, you can take the language setting to automagically set the language meta tag in your template.

Or you could do things like I've written about here :-)
(Beware, the link goes to a german page, but you probably might land on the english version if your browser settings prefer english over german.)


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