WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

Need help making a horizontal menu with a page dependent submenu



I just started with building a website using website baker. Website baker is great in its ease of use and understandability. I decided to modify the standard "round template" (as it already has most of the .php codes). I must admit that i am still a beginner with php and with CMS's, but i think i can pick up the basics.

I am building a site for a restaurant and in the design i use a horizontal menu (doesnt have to be folddown) with a page or group dependent side menu's in a block a little lower on the site. I need this so i can show the different submenu's of the wine menu and al the other food menu's. But i only need them when i click the menu link on the horizontal menu. And for other links on the horizontalmenu a different submenu appears that suites the needs of the other group of pages.

The problem that i have while trying to modify the template is that i do not know how to code this. I have been looking on the forums and have stumbled uppon using show_menu2 but i do not know how to implement this and how to gives pages a root value. But i think that is mainly for drop down menu's instead of the independent submenu block.

Could someone explain this to me and show how i can implement this?
or link a good tutorial?

Hi dvd_bruggen

On you'll find several examples how to use show_menu2()




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