WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

Multiflex dropdown menus

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again Multiflex 3  :-D.  Always the same.

-Make dropdown working bring errors in W3C
-Make dropdwon W3C compatible it doesn't work in IE 6 and lower (see here)

So it is your decision wich dead you want die.


Has anyone worked out a fix for the last dropdown menu item (sub item) issues?

I currently have a single level menu item for the last one on the list. But I know I will forget in future and add sub menu items and will break it...


As usual I'm missing something - Multiplex-3 should provide drop down menus "straight out of the box?" I have show_menu2 installed, multiple menus enabled (though I suspect that has nothing to do with either of those) but cannot get the drop downs working at all. Can't figure out what, if anything, I must change in index.php or info.php to remedy this - please help!

the last item in the topmenu don't should have childs!

(make two or tree menuitems/pages first level - then make for the second or third childs then dropdown should work)

then it works - this is a little bug of this menu!

regards martin


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