WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

Combiine 2 templates

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i have spent hours trying to do all that stuff but i cant simply it never works, you seem to know what to do and you seem smart can you please do it for me, please i beg you :?

I'm trying to help you with specific problems but I will not do the whole work - you have to invest some energy, too.

Beside that I don't understand what you want. From your first post I thought you want to exchange the background but I don't know what you mean with your second post (it seems also not completed).

Can you give a link to your current state of work and show where your problems are?



To remove the light grey border you have to photoshop or an other program to edit the images of template 1 because the are attached to the header and body page.

So first thing to do is "cut out" the shapes and make the suroundings tranparant (save as png)

2nd thing is to change the background color of template 2 to the green of template 1 and change the background image of the template to this one

Be sure to repeat the background image only horizontal repeat-x

(just like Blacktiger told already)

To remove the vertical grey out box of the main screen (the logon box) you need the same image editing program that you used before because this is also "hard coded" into the images



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