WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design
Combiine 2 templates
pedrotponz: i want that body structure
and this background
so just take the green/black textured top and chuck it on the first one!!!!!!!
only a legend could do it (i cant)
the body background in your first template is defined in base.css at line 20:
--- Code: ---body#pagetop {
background:#444444 none repeat scroll 0 0;
--- End code ---
You have to replace the background-line by the definition of the other template. In style.css at line 15:
--- Code: ---background:#759D00 url(top.gif) repeat-x scroll 0 0;
--- End code ---
And move top.gif from the second template into your template dir. This should do the trick. The help pages provide good information about creating/modifying templates.
that may be all well but i want it exactly as it is in template one only i want to get rid of the logon box and light gray on the side, so that the page is fully within the box
just change the background colour thats all really a
oh and the other problem is i am dislexic and theirfor i dont really understand what you are saying :mrgreen:
If you want to build your own template, the help pages mentioned above provide good information. Have you tried to go thru them?
Templates mostly consist of an index.php file and the according css file. If you want to change something you have to adjust both of them to your needs. This is not that magic - most is done with HTML and CSS. Give it a try and report specific problems with the editing.
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