WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design
Multiflex-3 editor rendering
There is a difference in font size between what is displayed in the editor and what appears on the page when using Multiflex-3.
Edit: I should add that the default templates work normally until I install multiflex-3. Then, even the default templates exhibit the same behavior as described below.
Here is how 'normal' text appears in the editor:
Here is how it is displayed:
The following two examples are the desired formatting, but I have to choose 'normal, arial, small' to achieve the results.
If I format the text as 'normal, arial, small', it appears this way in the editor:
And it is displayed this way:
The reason is that the CSS defined for that template is not the same as the CSS used by your editor (I assume that you're using FCKEditor).
Do a search of this forum for "editor.css" which will tell you how to use the same CSS for both the template and the editor.
Also, just for you may want to change your CSS so that the <P> tag uses "arial, small' if that's what you want to be "normal". Then you don't have to redefine it for every <P> tag.
Thanks for confirming my suspicions.
I had played around with the editor.css and layout_test.css, but thought perhaps there was something else going on.
It appears the author of this template used a slightly different approach by creating a substitute css file for the editor whereas the default templates are using the native FCKEditor css.
for to have in the Editor window the same style/design as in your frontend you need to have a editor.css file in the template wich holds the same styles as the styles in your template with on little difference: the styles from the contentarea of your template must be in the body tag of editor.css.
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