WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

IP changed Menu not working


I have a website baker website that does not have a domain name yet. I would view my website by going to the IP directly, For example: 99.9.999.999/~site/ 

Recently the hosting company changed the IP address on me and I was not able to view my website.  I edited config.php with the new IP address and I was able to view my homepage.  If I click on any of the pages in the menu they do not work.  If I go to view source the menu links still show the old IP address.  I think it has something to do with show_menu2, but I am unsure.  How do I fix this???

Any help is greatly appreciated.

The config.php is the only place, where the WB_URL is saved (except picture-URLs i the FCKeditor)

But you mostly can change it to "" (empty string), specially when you havent the final WB_URL. Then the URLs look like "/pages/thispage.php" - also for pictures: "/media/mypic.jpg"

And maybe you should set your browsercache to the minimum and clear it.


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