WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

Problem with multiple menu's

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D. Peeters:
Hi Erpe,
Everything worked!! thanks!
My cliens wants to add a menu (disclaimer, etc.) at the bottom of the page: how shoud i do this?
Add the multiple menu option for the main menu+submenu 1 'multiple menu' and for the extra menu an other one?

Hi Duco,

multiple menus are described at the help pages.

You have to modify your template files, then activate multiple menus in the options. After that you can choose the desired menu in the settings of every page.

The best way to add such extra links is to create a invisible page (named "submenu" or something like that) under which you arrange your pages (or menulinks) that should be shown. The hidden page and all the subpages must have the second menu enabled in their options.

The related show_menu2 call then looks like:

--- Code: ---<?php show_menu2(1, SM2_ROOT, SM2_START+1, (SM2_TRIM | SM2_NUMCLASS | SM2_PRETTY)); ?>

--- End code ---


D. Peeters:
Thanks! I'm gonna try this out asap (schoolwork to do :@)


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