WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

Header buttons are not shown.

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Peter R:
I use WB as a portal to other parts of the site. To make it easy to surf between the different parts, I made a header with buttons that I show through out the entire site. I already have two foreign people, both using IE, who see the big image of the banner, but not the row with buttons. Also the alternative text of the button images is not shown. This makes it hard for them to surf through the site. Those two people don’t have any HTML knowledge, so they cannot tell me why IE is not showing the button row. I asked them to sent me the HTML code that can be shown with a right mouse click, and I saw the button row is in it?!? Really weird, because the banner is build with simple tables.

Maybe it rings a bell to somebody on this forum. Maybe somebody here is also not seeing the button row, and can tell me what is wrong.

I captioned an image of what it should look like:
banner image

The url of the site is:
site url


maybe the browser settings or a third party software (firewall, spamfilter, antivir ....) does filter your images.


Your buttons are named "banner_something..."
Some add-blockers will automatically filter anything the has the word "banner" in it.

I would try renaming them.


Peter R:
Exactly what I am thinking. But how do you prove this, if the visitor only nows how to hop from one page to another, and all software he is using, is on default setting for years?

Wasn't thinking of that one.
One of them, I send an direct link to a button. This should give a white page with only the button image on the left top. Just a minute ago, I got his reaction: Only a white page, no button and no warning.
So I guess you could have got the problem with it's ears (is this an English expression also?).
I will change all the button names and come back with the results.

If you do rename them, you should also change the path where they are taken from:

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