WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

Section header above menu links

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--- Quote from: Stefek on February 27, 2009, 06:19:10 PM ---Could you please provide a screenshot, scribble or something?

--- End quote ---

OK, I have enclosed a screen shot I have seen elsewhere. I still dont quite understand the rest of the suggestions.

[gelöscht durch Administrator]

Still the same question here ... are the headings part of the menu structure? If yes, you do refer to the standard menu output (nested unordered lists) and you can style them via css. The Help site has some valuable links for this kind of styling. You just need to dare ...

If the headings are not part of the menu structure, multiple menus are the answer to your question. Again the help site can give you the answers you need!



Thanks everyone! I understand how it all works now.  :-D


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