WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

Porting Template from Photoshop

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Thanks to you both for taking the time to reply to this post, still hasnt helped with my original question re code from Photoshop so I will pay a WB Coder to help answer my question the post tutorial after, once again thanks for your replies.


--- Quote ---so I will pay a WB Coder to help answer my question the post tutorial after
--- End quote ---
...what a wasting..... :wink:

about a few months ago i only know a little bit of html&css...not more not less (no php - no templateexperience -no real good html skills)

-with the forum and help of some realy good members here i was able to edit a existing template for my needs and pimp it with a lot features...

-at this time i make with some others a new template-idea is getting running...

to ad a wb-function like a content-block or a menu is easy as it be.... 8-)

regards martin

Actually your 'problem' has not much to do with WB. You seem to have trouble creating a working website from a PSD design. A WB template is just a working HTML page, without content. Instead of content there is the tag for content. Instead of a menu there is a tag for menu. Learning to create a menu from a visual design is often the hardest part of creating a template. But there is much information about that in the help pages and the forum. You should start with learning how to create working HTML from a PSD. After that changing the static HTML page into a WB template is peanuts.

You could use a commercial service for that if you like.

I do not recommend using Photoshop generated HTML/CSS. It is bad code most of the times, and only usable for mockup use.


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