General Community > WebsiteBaker Website Showcase
Just finished...
Yes i intend to add a shopping cart to the catalog module.
The customer wants it :)
Anyway i dont know how i am going to do that. I am looking for open source scripts that can handle a simple cart.
On another side, i have switched to Ruby on Rails... and i really want to port WB to RoR.
The problem with my catalog module is that it is linked to the modifications i have done in the pages table and the main WB system. It is unusable asis. And it uses smarty too...
Anyway i post it but it certainly does not work ! Check install.php first and view.php.
The module creates 1 table.
It supposes that my modification for "images menu" is installed and that other fields have been added in the pages table (like prix1, prix2, promo) but it should work without these fields. Modify the templates (*.tpl files) to your needs. The basic template is list.tpl
You need to install a smarty dir in the root of your WB too (the main smarty file being smarty/libs/Smarty.class.php)
Good luck
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