General Community > WebsiteBaker Website Showcase

Just finished...

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Uses a modified version of WSB
- menu images (2 images by item 1 large and 1 small) (+other fields in the pages table, price...)
- catalog module with smarty cache and template (which browses menus and submenus). Used in the catalog part of the site.
- smarty wysiwyg module

I hope menu images will be in the WBS 3 :)

I am thinking of developping a clone of WBS in Ruby on Rails...

Nice job!

Yups, looks good

Very nicely done. I love how you used WB as a catalog. Are you planning to use some sort of online payment system?

If you ever want to share how you created your catalog module, I'd love to know about it.


--- Quote from: mysticcowboy on August 20, 2005, 05:29:25 PM ---Very nicely done. I love how you used WB as a catalog. Are you planning to use some sort of online payment system?

If you ever want to share how you created your catalog module, I'd love to know about it.

--- End quote ---

Yes, I'm interesting about your catalog module very much too, are you going to share it?


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