WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

Modifying a template.

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I am using a template called "made". I am not sure where it's from. Here's the CSS color-scheme file...

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Four basic colors are used to render Blue Haze. These are:
     1. Text Color
     2. Border Color
     3. Background Color (darker)
     4. Background Color (lighter)
   To change the above colors, just edit their respective values below.
------------------------------------------------------------------------ */

/* ###### General Color Scheme ###### */

h1, h2, h3, q, #header div, #header div *, #footer *, .headerTitle, .sideBox div, .topOfPage
{ /* Text Color: */  color: #ffffff; }

h1, q,  #header, .sideBox, .sideBox div
{ /* Border Color: */  border-color: #000000; }

#header, .sideBox div, .sideBox a:hover, .sideBox .thisPage
{ /* Background Color (darker): */  background-color: #000000; }

q, .sideBox a, .sideBox span
{ /* Background Color (lighter): */  background-color: #C0C0C0; }

/* ###### Special Colors ###### */

acronym {
  color: blue;
  border-bottom-color: blue;

#bodyText a {
  color: #ffffff;
  border-bottom-color: #ffffff;

#footer {
  background-color: #000000;

What I would like to do is to make the side box a nice colour that goes well with the black background. I am not really sure what colour to use though. Is it possible to put a jpeg background? Also when I hover the mouse over the sidebox, the bar goes black. How do I change this so that it doesn't go black but a paler shade that allows the text to be visible?

I'm very much an amateur at CSS.


--- Quote from: NotASingleWhiteFemale on January 02, 2009, 10:02:10 PM ---What I would like to do is to make the side box a nice colour that goes well with the black background. I am not really sure what colour to use though. Is it possible to put a jpeg background? Also when I hover the mouse over the sidebox, the bar goes black. How do I change this so that it doesn't go black but a paler shade that allows the text to be visible?

I'm very much an amateur at CSS.

--- End quote ---

It's quite impossible to give a good advice, for we can't see the whole Template.
To put jpg to backgrounds is possible via CSS.
There are many things possible.

I advice you to search the web for good tutorials on that topic.
CSS is not that hard to learn if you are willing to learn.

Which software are you using for your CSS Editing?

Best regards,
Christian Stefan

I'm editing the template with a note-pad style editor.

I enclose the template. I'm trying to get my site to look like The CMS used for the latter doesn't work well with flash slideshows. WebsiteBaker handles them well.

[gelöscht durch Administrator]

Hello (whats your name by the way?).

So just to understand your needs:
1) Did you set up a WebsiteBaker installation?
2) Do you have a local installation of WB (i.e. with xampp) (this is good in order to adjust/cusomize the templates
3) How long are you working with WB allready (as I see you are not very new to this Forum).


Hi, I'll go through your questions in order.

Yes, I have a WebsiteBaker installation. I have also played around with RVSiteBuilder. WebsiteBaker is my choice. RVSiteBuilder comes with my webspace. I like the format of what RVSiteBuilder does but as it fails hopelessly with flash etc, I don't like it too much. I prefer WebsiteBaker but I'm struggling to get a template that I like so I'm modifying the one I have. I don't know what xampp is. My WB is installed directly on my webhost's Linux-based server. I;ve been using WB for a year or two. My site is www.sagephotoword.c om.

Oh yes.. my name's Rhys.

The current Landzilla installation is not too awful. My needs have changed though.

I need a black site because the flash galleries have black backgrounds and I want it to mesh nicely. I want the menu on the left and maybe a logo at the top.

My vision is - opening page with text and photos. Subsequent pages with flash slideshows held in the wrappers then finally a contact page.

--- Quote from: Stefek on January 02, 2009, 10:47:05 PM ---Hello (whats your name by the way?).

So just to understand your needs:
1) Did you set up a WebsiteBaker installation?
2) Do you have a local installation of WB (i.e. with xampp) (this is good in order to adjust/cusomize the templates
3) How long are you working with WB allready (as I see you are not very new to this Forum).


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