WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

Template on user preferences


Hello !

I'd like to know how change the template for the page "user preferences", I don't want the default template for this page but the same as that on my restricted area.

Thanks for you help


Anybody has an idea for me ?


don't exacvtly understand what you want. You mean when you call in the frontend the user preferences?


I have an member area with a template and a public area with another template (template by default)
I would like to have the template by default (the same as the public area) for the login page and another template for the user preference (the same as the member area).

Actually I have the same template for the login page and for the user preference, but I want two different template for these pages.



if you use the default links for login and preferences (wich are hardcoded in the index.php of the template) the default forms from the account dir (account/login.php, account/preferences.php) are loaded. This way you have no chance to choose a template. Always the default should be used. To reach what you want you have to do it another way. Create a own login.php and preferences.php page within your pages dir. As content use your own form (witch could be a copy of the default forms). Change your template to point for login and preferences to this page and not to the default pages in the account dir. Now you can choose for your login page and preferences page whatever template you want.



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