WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

SOLVED sbumenu redirect or submenu list


Hi Everyone,
I have searched the forum, but cannot find what I am looking for.
I am using show_menu2, and am trying to make it so that when someone clicks on a main menu item, it automically redirects to the content of the first submenu.

If this cannot be done, it would be nice to be able to display links to all the submenu items when clicking on the main menu.

An Example:

Services (Main Menu)
  - Computer Repair
  - Network Support
  - Printer Support
  - etc etc

So if someone clicks on the Services menu, it would automatically redirect the user to the first submenu, i.e. Computer Repair.
IF this cant be done, then a list of the submenu items, i.e. COmputer Repair, Network Support.... etc.

Is this at all possible with website baker?

Thanks in advance

You are thinking the wrong way ... choose "Menu Link" for the page type, create you site / menustructure and then point the link to the different subpage(s) you want.



Yes thanks for that!

I knew I was overlooking something.
I have now got it working.



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