WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

Show_Menu 2 Tabs


Hello, I'm a new user here and am looking for some help.  I searched for this topic already but couldn't find an answer. 

I'm using show_menu2 and have a functional menu now.  The only problem is that the sub-menus don't "tab" in like they should.  They are aligned to the left just like the main menu.  Any ideas on how I could fix this in the code?  I'm just looking to intent the sub-menu by just a little bit.   :?

Here's the website:

Here's a snipet from the code:

<!-- // Left Menu starts here  -->
        <div class="header_top"></div>
        <div class="left">
            <div class="left_side">
            <div id="menu2">    
            <?php ob_start();     // start output buffer
            show_menu2(0, SM2_ROOT+1, SM2_CURR+2, SM2_TRIM|SM2_PRETTY,'
* <a href="[url]">[page_title]</a>','</li>','[ul]','</ul>', false, false); // call menu
            $foo=ob_get_contents();    // put outputbuffer in $foo
            ob_end_clean();             // clear outputbuffer
            if ($foo<>"") {  // some code to execute cause there is some block
              echo '<div class="box_top">';
              echo '<h2>Menu:</h2>';
              echo '</div>';
              echo '<div class="box">';
              echo $foo;
              echo '</div>';                              // show the block (as saved in $foo)
              echo '<div class="box_bottom"></div>';
                } else { // some code for no info

nevertheless I'm a little bit confused about your code-example - it makes no to none sense to your question (and please, the next time put a posted code in code tags - the button with the # - it would be easier to read).
I will repeat it and repeat it again:
SM2 primaraly only puts the records from the database!
The styling (how these records appear on your page) is your part via css.

Regards Bernd


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