WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

New admin template

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--- Quote ---I didn't know that... Is there info on (new) functions we can call that way? And how to do that?
--- End quote ---

unfortunately you made use of an old wb_theme version as basis for your argos_theme integration. To add this feature you look at media.htt from wb_theme. Basically you only need to add the following lines:

--- Code: ---<td valign="top">
        <input type="checkbox" name="unzip" id="unzip"  onclick="toggle();" />
        <label for="unzip">{TEXT_UNZIP_FILE}</label>
        <span id="delzip" style="display: none;"><br /><input type="checkbox" name="delzip" id="deletezip" />
        <label for="deletezip">{TEXT_DELETE_ZIP}</label></span>
--- End code ---


Hm... I used 1022 which was the latest when I started. I didn't check for new versions after starting  :roll:
Thanks for the info!

Hi Argos, Ruud,

Your Admin-Template is a great enhancement, very nice and useful. I´ve found a little bug media-section: the resize-function does not work on folders width empty-spaces in foldernames. 

For the future i have some wishes for the media-section:
-have a global resize-function, so that the admin can set a maximun-size for all folders and images
-replace the old upload-function with something like fancy-uploader. I tried to build it in, but on first attempts I failed to bring it together width the must-have resize-function.

All in all a great and very useful template!


I tested Argos Admin Template in Wb2.8 RC2. The empty-spaces-problem (see last post) is still there. No solutions yet?

I'm working on the template!


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