WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

How to show one level menu around all website using show_menu2.


Hello Baker gurus,

The one problem can't resolve during last few days. All possible variants from my mind not working properly.

I have a following menu structure:

EN > Upper Menu (menu ID 11)> Page1
                             Page 2
                             Page 3
        Main Menu (menu ID 57)  > Page 1 > Subpage 1
                                          Subpage 2
                             Page 2 > Subpage 1
                                          Subpage 2
        Side Menu >  Page 1 > Subpage1
                                          Subpage 2
                             Page 2 > Subpage 1
                                          Subpage 2
FR > ....

I'm would like show second level of navigation only from main menu on all pages without sub navigation. How I can do this ? I try call show_menu2(0,57,SM2_ALL,SM2_ALL) and play around with two last parameters but do not have success. At same time for upper menu show_menu2(0,11,SM2_ALL,SM2_ALL working fine.)

Thank you for your time and your help in advance.



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