General Community > WebsiteBaker Website Showcase
PT SLUG now on WebsiteBaker
Just moved my Mac User Group over to WebsiteBaker. Poor members get a new site every few months as I try out different CMS products. WB is a nice fit for this small site. Easy to create and update.
Hmm, clean but not so easy to read site.
Seems to have some problems finding "http://localhost/wb/media/mac_monitor.gif" and others.
I love the WebsiteBaker "Your recipe for succes" logo!
Having some troubles as well, the left block is sometimes halve vanished.
On the opening page, the content starts too low
browsing win-IE 6
Don't have any trouble browsing with Firefox ;)
I did this over the weekend and didn't go to my office to check it on Windows IE. It is a Mac site after all. :wink: If there's a vertical spacing problem, it will probably have to wait until next weekend.
If you are having trouble with the images, try refreshing your browser. That has to be a WB or server problem.
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