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German: Voluntary Fire Brigade
I just wanted to put my two cents in.
Here you find a german website about a voluntary fire brigade near Kiel (northern germany).
The template is based on the "sunnysideup" template.
Looking forward to your opinion.
Here it is:
Warum müssen Feuerwehrseiten immer in augenkrebsverdächtigen Rot sein? Ich versteh das nicht. Rot ist bei websites eh so eine Farbe, die meist gar nicht geht, nur in seltenen Fällen sieht das gut aus.
Ausserdem ist die Schrift zu klein.
Wenn du nur deutschen Content hast, solltest du
--- Code: ---xml:lang="en" lang="en"
--- End code ---
--- Code: ---xml:lang="de" lang="de"
--- End code ---
Font-tags sind deprecated, css ist dein Freund.
Just my 0.02 Eur ;)
Nice looking though...., even in red ;)
the site looks nice and is well done.... thanks using the template to build it!
sunnysideup is nothing more then ryans box with some little changes.
and btw. fire guards have to use red....beate! if your house is burning down... you might see it in the same way.
the tags are ok... i've never change them too! dont even worry about the font size... everbody has the chance to enlarge the fontsize. its better to start small then abuse a 20" monitor with stupid content.
Looks great, I would not change a thing. But I'm no expert :wink:
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