WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design
How to preview template?
I'm about to make some major changes to my page template. Is it possible to somehow privately preview the template in the admin section, while retaining the old template for anyone who visits the public pages? This way I could make some final touches to the template while seeing the real page content, but anyone else who visits the page would still see the old one.
The best way to do this, is a local installation with xampp.
After you made all your changes, you can upload the template again to the live server.
Ok thanks. That was exactly what I wanted to know.
The only downside of the method is that you must have 100% similar database and custom modules to view the template with similar content as in live web site.
You could do a search here in the forum for "template switcher".
There are some solutions out there where you can switch just by using a parameter on the url.
You need to upload your new template with a different name/path and make a small change in your root/index.php.
That way you can view your complete site with any other template.
Yes, that's right.
For future Projects I advice you to set up a local installation first (whith all modules you will need), then to create your Template and then to create the Content on a live server.
With some experience you will find the "Golden Recipe" to bake your Websites with Webitebaker.
@Ruud -
this is another good advice. But if you want to make more changes and also in the Module Files it cost more time, I guess.
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