WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design
Can´t get show_menu2(2, SM2_ROOT+1, SM2_START); working - WORKAROUND
Hello, i have got 2 menus but I cant get the no: 2 to work as i want.
Doesn´t work
--- Code: ---show_menu2(2, SM2_ROOT+1, SM2_START);
--- End code ---
Works but s not what i want!
--- Code: ---show_menu2(2, SM2_CURR);
--- End code ---
As you see I want it to always show those pages in level 1 set to menu no:2 no matter where you are in the page tree. When using SM2_CURR they will dissapear as soon you go deeper then level 1.
Can I get around this somehow, is it a bug, is it something wrong with my installation?
These are the menus incorp. in the template.
Main --> show_menu2(1, SM2_ROOT+1, SM2_START);
Choose lang --> show_menu2(1, SM2_ROOT, SM2_START);
Main subpages --> show_menu2(1, SM2_ROOT+2);
Special --> show_menu2(2, SM2_ROOT);
The special i rather would like to have show_menu2(2, SM2_ROOT+1, SM2_START);
So how did I solve this?
By moving all pages set to menu no:2 to level 0 and use this code:
--- Code: ---show_menu2(2, SM2_ROOT);
--- End code ---
I have a multilanguage site so all corresponding pages in other languages has to use a higher menu no.
But then another instance of show_menu2 stopped working
--- Code: ---show_menu2(1, SM2_ROOT+1, SM2_START)
--- End code ---
i have the same exact problem.... i have no idea how to work around this... i HAVE tried. :?
Would you please give this a try:
Read the manual and give your attention to the part which parameters are manditory! And how to combine paramters.
Additional it would be a good idea to show us a example what you want to reach ...
Regards Bernd
i want to reach show_menu2(2, SM2_ROOT+1)
but it doesnt work in a multilingual site where a page in $menu[2] is a child of a page in $menu[1]
show_menu2(2, SM2_CURR) does work, but once you navigate deeper than "Level 1" then it no longer shows.
Lotus put up a quite thorough explanation... if someone could just give us a slight hint.... or just tell us its impossible. :-D :lol: :-P
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