General Community > WebsiteBaker Website Showcase
I am still baking, but...
Since I bothered some of you with my problems, I am going to show how it's going.
The Site is still in preparation step but the template is almost ready.
mods used:
-advanced newsreader by fienieg moded by me.
-some news mods by glued2 and pcwacht
-menu mod by Stefan
valid xhtml, valid css tableless design (so far) tested under IE6, IE5.5, firefox 1.04, opera 7.xx and 8 and under linux konqueror and firefox - (some glitches :roll: )
Starring: my daugther :wink:
I will appreciate any comments.
Oh, yes this is the site: - it will desappear soon, and relocate to proper domain and location. It's in polish, but lots of content is "lorem ipsum" based right now anyway.
Very nice, like it :)
the picture of your daughter is about 5px too high in safari 1.3 under OSX 10.3.x.
seems to me some margins or paddings arent reset to 0.
if you cant find the proper element try a global reset for all elements:
--- Code: --- * {
border: 0;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
--- End code ---
thank you jakob ! same thing happened under linux. I've changed css, is it corrected now?
jakob: but it doesnt have to be the #front-pic <div>.
its nested in 5 other divs, the one wich adds the padding or margin may be further up.
it looks like this:
its in one of these divs :shock:
btw try to use less <div>s. there are a lots of them on your site. makes debugging a hellish piece of work ;)
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